Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse Test - CCTN®

Find resources to prepare for the CCTN, with certification information, CCTN study guides, CCTN practice tests, courses and more. To become certified to work in the field of transplant care, a nurse will have to take the CCTN test. The Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse Test is administered by the American Board for Transplant Certification (ABTC). For more information, see Tests.com's CCTN Test Guide.
Test Item Organization Description Cost
Examination: CPTC, CCTC, Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse (CCTN)
Examination: CPTC, CCTC, Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse (CCTN)
Email: abtc-info@goamp.com
Phone: 913-895-4603

Organization: American Board for Transplant Centification
Address: PO Box 15384Lenexa KA 66285-5384
Phone: 913-895-4603
Fax: 913-895-4652
American Board for Transplant Centification
American Board for Transplant Certification
Location: Lenexa KS
Email: abtc-info@goamp.com
Phone: (913) 895-4603

Organization: American Board for Transplant Certification
Address: PO Box 15384Lenexa USA KS 66285-5384
Phone: (913) 895-4603
Fax: (913) 895-4652
American Board for Transplant Certification
(913) 895-4603
The Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse Test is taken by nurses who want to be certified to assist in a transplant operation.