2024 Edition

Journeyman Plumber Practice Test

This Free Journeyman Plumber Practice Test will give you an idea of the types of questions and sections on your actual exam.

Administrative Policies and Procedures

1. Approved plans are required to be kept on a job site and available for inspection on demand by a code officer.
2. Who is allowed to apply for a plumbing permit?
3. Alterations made in an existing plumbing system are required to comply with current code requirements for plumbing systems.

General Regulations

4. Many local code jurisdictions require a site plan before any work is done on an existing sewer or water service.
5. Trusses must not be _______________.
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6. Mechanical joints are prohibited from joining materials of different types.


7. What is the maximum distance an employee of a department store should have to walk to reach a suitable restroom facility?
8. The accessible travel route for people going to use public plumbing facilities must not pass through a kitchen.
9. What is the maximum distance that a lavatory faucet for accessible use can be placed from the front edge of a lavatory?

Indirect and Special Wastes

10. Which of the following is considered to be the best method for connecting an indirect waste to a sanitary drainage system?
11. Which of the following locations is not an acceptable location for an indirect waste receptor?
12. Clear water waste from a potable source, such as a relief valve on a water heater, must be piped to an indirect waste through an air gap.

Vents and Venting

13. Which of the following types of fixtures can be served by a combination-waste-and-vent system?
14. Circuit vents can do which of the following?
15. Sumps used to hold sewage or house sewage pumps are required to be ________.

Traps and Cleanouts

16. If three 45-degree bends are used to make an offset, a cleanout is required at the top of the horizontal drain within 24 inches of where it connects with the last 45-degree bend.
17. When can a cleanout be used for the installation of a new fixture? In other words, what makes it acceptable to remove a cleanout plug, replace it with a male adapter and then extend piping from that point to a new fixture?
18. Which of the following are acceptable types of cleanouts?

Water Supply and Distribution

19. Which of the following is the proper term for piping that delivers potable water from a water source to a water-distribution system?
20. A water service is required to be protected from which of the following?
21. Which of the following devices can be used to increase water pressure when the pressure from a water source is not adequate for the needs of a plumbing system?

Sanitary Drainage Systems

22. Asbestos-cement pipe can only be joined by a sleeve coupling of the same composition as the pipe and sealed with an elastomeric ring.
23. Vents for vertical offsets are not required where the stack and its offset are _____ as a building drain.
24. Which of the following fittings are approved for changes in piping direction from horizontal to vertical?

Special Piping and Storage Systems

25. Indirect waste receptors for sterilizers must be trapped and vented.
26. Ice makers and ice storage chests installed in healthcare facilities are required to be installed _______.
27. Aspirators are required to discharge their waste through which of the following?

Water Heaters

28. Let's assume that you are responsible for the installation of a water-heating supply system. What type of equipment are you going to install on it?
29. Water heaters must be protected from back siphonage with the use of vacuum breakers.
30. The end of a discharge pipe connected to a relief valve is required to be threaded on the termination end.

Recycling Gray Water

31. Collection reservoirs for gray-water must be made of approved materials. To comply with this, a gray-water collection reservoir is required to be ___________.
32. Which of the following must be installed on a gray-water distribution system?
33. What is the maximum amount of time that gray water is allowed to be retained for use to flush a toilet or urinal?

Fuel Gas

34. Which of the following mediums is not allowed for use in testing gas pipe installations?
35. When testing gas piping installed in a single-family home, that has a volume of less than 10 cubic feet, the minimum length of time that the system must be tested is _________________.
36. Flexible gas connectors for all gas appliances, except cooking ranges and clothes dryers, are limited to a maximum length of _______ inches.

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Plumbing Practice Test Sample Questions

Quality starts with who wrote the material.
Our practice exam writer
Dodge Woodson
 was a master plumber and gas fitter for over 30 years. He built his own plumbing business and has trained countless plumbers. In addition to being a field plumber and contractor, Woodson served as adjunct faculty at Central Maine Technical College where he taught both plumbing licensing preparation courses and plumbing apprenticeship courses. As R. Dodge Woodson, he is a best-selling author and is the most prolific plumbing author in print with McGraw-Hill. He is often referred to as America’s Plumber.

Charles Redecker
 was a master plumber instructor and education director with the National Center for Construction Education and Research. Charles taught plumbing with the NCCER for over 10 years. Prior to working with the NCCER, Charles taught plumbing at the Rankin Technical College. Charles owned and run various plumbing businesses since 1979 in St. Louis, Missouri.

John Richardson
 is a master plumber who has been in the plumbing business since 1977. He is a certified continuing education instructor for plumbing in Texas and teaches CPE classes to journeyman and master plumbers to renew their licenses. John holds a B.A. degree in English from Texas A&M University. He owns State-Wyed Plumbing and Septic in Katy, Texas.

Terry Lunt
 is a plumbing and master craft instructor with Associated Builders and Contractors in Southern California. He has also been a core curriculum instructor and subject matter expert in plumbing with the National Center for Construction Education and Research. Terry has worked in the plumbing industry for over 30 years.

Joseph Cromwell
 is a master plumber in Illinois and Indiana. He was a continuing education instructor and apprentice instructor for over twenty years with the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters.