2024 Edition

BSRA® Practice Test

These practice questions and answers for the BSRA can help your child get better prepared for the actual BSRA.
Practice Test Suggestions
The Bracken School Readiness Assessment ("BSRA") is a test used for children as young as 2.6 years of age: pre-K - 2nd grade.  
These six basic skills are tested:
  • Colors —  identify common colors by name.
  • Comparisons — match or differentiate objects based on a specific characteristic.
  • Letters — identify upper-case and lower-case letters.
  • Numbers | Counting — count and identify single and double-digit numbers.
  • Sizes — show a knowledge of words that identify size (e.g., large, small, etc.) 
  • Shapes — identify basic shapes by name.
This Free BSRA Practice Test was written by the PreK - 8th grade testing experts at TestingMom.com.

Instant Scoring in this practice test is broken down by grade level so you have a choice of doing all the questions or just the grade level that is applicable to your child.


K and Pre K Grade Level

1. ...point to the Red ?
2. ... point to the Yellow ?
3. ... point to the Purple ?
4. Look at all the shapes. Can you point to the Circle ?
5. Look at all the shapes. Can you point to the Square ?

1st and 2nd Grade Level

6. Which of these are identical?
7. Which of these are similar?
8. Which of these are not the same?
9. Which of these are opposites?
10. Look at all these objects. Point to an object that resembles a cube ?
11. Which of these are almost identical?
12. Which of these are equal?
13. Look at all these objects. Point to an object that resembles a circle ?
14. Look at all these objects. Point to an object that resembles a pyramid ?
15. Look at all these objects. Point to an object that resembles a cylinder ?
16. Look at all these objects. Point to an object that resembles a cone ?
17. Look at all these objects. Point to an object that resembles a crescent ?
18. Look at all these objects. Point to an object that resembles a sphere ?
19. Look at all these objects. Point to an object that resembles the same shape as a box ?
20. Look at all these objects. Point to an object that resembles the same shape as the earth?
21. Look at all these objects. Point to an object that resembles the same shape as the earth?

BSRA® is a registered trademark of Pearson Education, Inc., which is not affiliated with Tests.com or TestingMom.com and did not sponsor or endorse this practice test.