2024 Edition

Personal Trainer Practice Test

Take this free practice test to see how prepared you are for a personal trainer certification exam. There are a number of organizations that provide a certifying credential for personal trainers. All of them require the passing of an exam to obtain certification.

For other resources, check out our free ACE Personal Trainer practice exam or our free NSCA Certified Personal Tainer practice exam.

To prepare for the ACE Personal Trainer exam, use our ACE Personal Trainer Practice Exam Kit with 750 questions with answers fully explained.

If you need to prepare for the NSCA-CPT exam, check out our NSCA-CPT Practice Exam Kit.


1. Which form of non-verbal communication should not be used during the initial investigation stage of the trainer-client relationship?
2. If you discover during your initial evaluation that your client has rotator cuff tendinitis, what should you do?
3. During an initial assessment, what planes of the body can you use a plumbline to observe?
4.  Which of the following assessments cannot determine actual  body fat composition?
5. A standard fitness assessment has many components, but one of the following is not included. Which one is not a part of the assessment?
6. A young man is just beginning a strength training routine and has hired you as his trainer. Listed below are some generic strength training guidelines. Determine which of them is inappropriate for a beginner.
7. A young woman has engaged you as her trainer. She is in her early 20s, appears to be very fit, is within her proper weight range and has no known health concerns. Given all of this, what is the very first thing you should do?
8. Skeletal muscle consists of two main types of muscle fibers. Which of these muscle fibers are the largest and fastest?
9. The aerobic system is the fastest way for the human body to generate energy.
10. Which of the following is not considered a monosaccharide?
11. How do you calculate a client's Body Mass Index (BMI)?
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12. What is considered to be the average approximate resting heart rate for both men and women?
13. Subcutaneous fat is stored under the skin.
14. Name the six essential nutrients the human body must have to be healthy.
15. One of your newest clients has diabetes. How should you handle her condition?
16. Which of the following is not a complex carbohydrate?
17. Insulin is an example of a fast acting hormone.
18. What does a goniometer measure?
19. Which of the following is not necessary for a healthy diet?
20. The human body stores carbohydrates in the form of glycogen. This glycogen is stored in several places until it is needed. In which of the following locations is glycogen stored?
21. It is not always necessary to ensure that a healthy, male client in his early 20s is exercising in his Target Heart Rate Zone.
22. There are many forms of aerobic activity, but only a few of them are considered to be primary aerobic activities. Which of the following is a primary aerobic activity?
23. There are three energy systems in the body used to resynthesize ATP.  Which of the following energy systems occurs almost immediately?
24. Which of the following muscle contraction types generates force with little to no joint movement?
25. Dynamic stretches should be held for at least 30 seconds.
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26. The Karvonen formula is a popular method for monitoring training intensity.  What does this formula calculate?
27. What is the correct definition of the "overload principle"?
28. Which of the following should be considered as part of effective program design for your clients?
29. It is considered within the scope of practice to offer a specific dietary plan for your clients.
30. Muscle fiber types have different characteristics. Which muscle fiber type is least prone to fatigue?
31. A popular method for determining your client's daily energy needs is the Mifflin-St. Jeor resting metabolic rate (RMR) equation.
32. Stretching is important because it helps loosen tight muscles and decreases the likelihood of injuries. It also offers other benefits. Which of the following is also a well known benefit of stretching?
33. You have a client who is interested in improving his muscular strength. He is young and healthy, with no known medical conditions and no history of injury. What prescription should you give him?
34. Which muscular imbalances are related to tightness of the biceps brachii?
35. A client wishes to be as healthy as possible and also build muscle. What should you prescribe?
36. You notice your client, who has had 3 months of training experience and who has hypertension, is holding his breath during the concentric phase of heavy reps. What should you do?
37. The pectoralis major is a primary antagonist of which movement listed below?
38. Which exercise is most difficult neuromuscularly to coordinate and perform?
39. Your client wants to improve his grip strength. Which exercise listed below will least accomplish this?
40. What is periodization?
41. What should you take into account during exercise for a client taking beta blockers?
42. If a client has stage II hypertension, what should you avoid?
43. If a client has diabetes, when should you avoid exercise?
44. Which rule for progression in a resistance training program can be considered a gold standard?
45. What exercise should you not spot?
46. Which movement is not dangerous to spot?
47. Personal trainers are obligated to do which of the following?
48. To protect yourself legally, and the client, when should you supervise your client?
49. If a risk is highly severe and occurs seldomly, what should you do?
50. Which of the following should be easily accessible in your facility at all times?