2024 Edition

WISC ® Practice Test

Try our free WISC practice questions and answers with instant scoring.   
Practice Test Suggestions
This Free WISC Practice Test was written by the PreK - 8th grade testing experts at TestingMom.com.

Instant Scoring in this practice test is broken down by grade level so you have a choice of doing all the questions or just the grade level that is applicable to your child.


K and Pre K Grade Level

1. Which animal barks?
2. Point to the Jack-O-Lantern.
3. Point to the circle.

1st and 2nd Grade Level

4. Look at this picture. An important part of it is missing. What's missing?
5. If the teacher wants to give away as many A+'s as she gives checks, how many more A+'s does she need to give away?
6. Which box has twice as many red apples as green apples?

3rd and 4th Grade Level

7. Do you see these 4 boxes? In the top row the pictures go together in a certain way. Now look at the bottom row. Do you see the empty box? Which of the 4 pictures on the side goes with the picture in the bottom box the same way the 2 pictures in the top row go together?
8. Do you see these 4 boxes? In the top row the pictures go together in a certain way. Now look at the bottom row. Do you see the empty box? Which of the 4 pictures on the side goes with the picture in the bottom box the same way the 2 pictures in the top row go together?

5th and 6th Grade Level

9. Two families go bowling. While they are bowling, they order a pizza for $12, 6 sodas for $1.25 each, and 2 large buckets of popcorn for $10.86. If they are going to split the bill between the families, how much does each family owe?

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